Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Veganize Me


When I first heard about "Vegan", I thought it was just some sort of fad diet. Like losing weight or achieving the "Dream Body ". The diet it's just plant based and mostly High Carb Low Fat . Animal products are strictly forbidden on this diet.

It first occur to me as just another " Label" diet.

At first , i wasn't so sure about switching my lifestyle into a "Vegan". Due to I did not know much about it . I came from an ED experience and was sick of society promoting diets. So I did my research..

Guess what?
I found "FreeLee The Banana Girl ". Yup! The Banana Girl.
Damn, I'm so grateful to come across her youtube channel & instagram page.
FreeLee led me to a documentary on "101 reasons to go vegan ". ( video is on youtube )

I further 'Veg-ducate " myself with videos behind the meat industry. I saw how much cruelty & violence the farm animals had gone through just to be on our dish.

My eyes was literally swollen from all of the crying. Tears was rolling down my face as I watch how the mother cow was running towards the truck that trap her baby calf in it. Perhaps on the way to the slaughter house.

Not only cows but pigs , chicks , goats.
Watching all those cruel videos behind the meat industry, opened my eyes wider. It made me realize that animals have souls too.

They have emotions . They can feel . They can even cry out loud.
It's just that their physical appearance is in a different form .
I find it so wrong to be paying the slaughterer. Just to create screams & yells of farm animals so they can be presented on our plates. Come to think of it , it's absolutely insane & abnormal.

I wonder who was the first person to market " CONSUMING ANYTHING RELATED TO FARM ANIMALS ". Absurd.

Since young, Im very passionate about helping the world to prevent natural disaster or saving endangered animals . My choices were very limited at a young age. Once I found out that through veganism , this could help our world.

I immediately went Vegan. Little did i know , as i open my fridge. Oh damn, i don't know what does a vegan eat.

Pick up my phone , went on instagram & ..

After following Freelee on instagram , I found many other vegans too . One of them is Bonny Rebecca . Follow by Tess Begg & Earthlingmaxi. Another reason I went vegan was because of them. Their pictures of vegan food made me drooled too. haha. I didn't knew vegan eat such vibrant and beautiful foods . Shout out to mother nature's creation.

Many vegans inspired me . I was never a person who likes taking pictures of food on the dining table. Being a vegan makes me constantly take many pictures of Vegan meals. This is just how pretty & delicious vegan meals are :P

I even own an instagram vegan page ! haha.

Now & then, i do get questions like why vegan." Do most of you just pluck grass & leafs as your food "?
haha yes, we do eat leafs. FULL STOP.
Well NO! Practically , we have pita bread & hummus , vegan burger , vegan pies , vegan candies , fruits , grains , vegetables of course and the list just goes on & on ..

If you're a vegan , you'll know the scrumptious goodies we consumed ;)
No Harm is made.

Being a vegan is not just your diet. It has to be from head to toe , inside out that you're not doing anything to support the cruelty industry. Examples like most makeup brands , branded fashion stores , even the shampoos or soap we use everyday.

Basically, everything has to stay away from contributing to animal cruelty. Luckily, I'm a girl who is not fond of make up and never like branded leather bags. It was a relieved to me that I never purchased those items.

Oh, for make up lovers. Do not fear please. You still get to use make ups! Just opt for the vegan ones :)

There are many beauties of veganism. Saving the animals is the top concern here . By changing your lifestyle to Vegan, it would not only save the animals but the people and the environment too. Most diseases may be prevented if you're a vegan. A huge bonus to you. I bet you would rather spend money on holidays instead of hospitals right?

Invest in your health . Take care of your body, treat it like it's your  King or Queen. Respect , Nourish it.

If you're wondering why veganism would save the people and environment?
That, i shall leave links on my next post for you to "Vegducate" yourself ;)

With the power of media, we could stand up to speak for the voiceless. Imagine the world would be a better place. ( Cliché saying ) But , really.

Before I end my post, I would like to ask you a question.

May I know ...
Are all the torturing worth to be on your plate? Just for you to savor it ?
Are the "Skinned Animals" worth the price for you to fashion it ?
Are the beautiful animals worth to be tested on , so that you could decorate your face with different shade of color ?

I would like to thank you for reading my post and stopping by my lil forest <3
Hope you have a lovely day !


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