We categorized so many things in our world.
From black to white,
beautiful to ugly,
rich to poor and whatever you can think of.
Have you realized that all these brandings or categorizing come back to two sides which are either good or bad?
I met a homeless man yesterday on the bus. The seat next to me was empty. He came up to me talking about angels, dragons, Jesus, Gandhi & Buddha. Honestly, I was terrified. I mean, I've never encountered a situation like this and I didn't know how to handle it.
As he kept on saying about his spiritual mythical stories on how he met them, I just kept on smiling and nodding my head. The homeless man then asked for my name. I
He said " Ahh, Ashley! You're so beautiful and you smile like an angel". He kept on saying it and I kept on smiling and said thank you. Then, he continued saying " Do you know there're many angels out there in the world, some may look like an angel but deep down they're not very nice. Ashley, You're a real angel and you're so beautiful." He even said " Your smile is like as if you're advertising for Colgate ( Toothpaste brand ) and I love you, Ashley"
Okay, honestly, I wish at that point someone would at least help me by distracting him away from talking to me.
After all those " sweet talk " he asked me for money but I sadly didn't give any to him. ( Now, I wish I did ). When he was about to leave, he shook my hand and sent me his blessings saying " You're an angel and you'll meet a handsome angel. "
I assume the people around me must be thinking "What is WRONG with that girl?", " Why is she even entertaining and making a conversation ?", " Is she that naive?"... Maybe they might not have said it out loud but from the look on their faces, I could tell.
I have to admit I was afraid at first, but I told myself he is a human too. The least I could do is show some respect and be kind by smiling & saying thank you to the wonderful words he said to me. I know, at this point some of you might be saying I'm stupid for even shaking his hands and talking to him but to me, there's nothing wrong. What I mean is that we should treat others with kindness regardless of how they are, how they look or how they wear.

I remember how my primary school teachers and my parents used to warn us about bad guys and dangerous people we might meet in the outside world but as I've come to a realisation, it actually goes back down to how we perceive things.
Yes, we must take precaution and stay aware but as we change our perspective on how we view things, there's nothing good or bad in this world.
One of William Shakespeare's script said,
" There's nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so " - Hamlet Act II, Scene II

It is all in our head that brand things that are positive and negative due to how society categorized it. Instead,
We could choose to see it as a positive manner rather than the negative.
Perhaps to some of you, I may not be making sense but if you're aware of the law of attraction and how it works, you would roughly understand what I'm trying to say.
If we choose to see the positive and good side to everything, we will attract positive, peace, kindness and love wherever we go and from whoever we meet regardless what society has branded them as " Danger" or " Weird".
What I've realized that even many positive quotes states:
" Surround yourself with good and positive people ".

It is true to surround yourself with positive people but first, we need to be positive within us.
Once we're positive within ourselves, let us spread and share kindness with others by bringing out the goodness in them.

From this day on, I'm going to change my mantra to
" Bringing out the good, positivity and beauty in others"
As we change our perception into all beautiful things. No fear or harm will affect our inner peace. We will be surrounded with love and kindness <3
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